Articles scientifiques

Articles scientifiques


  • Nguyen, H. A., Martre, P., Collet, C., Draye, X., Salon, C., Jeudy, C., Rincent, R. & Muller, B. (2024). Are high-throughput root phenotyping platforms suitable for informing root system architecture models with genotype-specific parameters? An evaluation based on the root model ArchiSimple and a small panel of wheat cultivars. Journal of Experimental Botany, 75(8), 2510-2526.
  • Aillery, V., Vleugels, T., Cnops, G., De Swaef, T., Gentelet, F., Jeudy, C., Lamboeuf, M., Lootens, P., Roy, E., Salon, C. & Louarn, G. (2024). Genetic variation and morphogenetic determinants of root-shoot allocation in two perennial forage legumes. Plant and Soil, 1-17.
  • Cournault Q, Colbach N, Busset H, Matejicek A, Souche-Suchovsky P, Prudent M, Moreau D (2024) Interspecies diversity in morphological responses to water stress: Study on a panel of weed and crop species. Environmental and Experimental Botany 224: 105825. doi:
  • Salon, C., Prudent, M., Billot, B., Jeudy, C., Lamboeuf, M., Maslard., C., Martinet, J. (2024). Joining international forces towards a network of high throughput phenotyping experts: the recipe of new breeding tools. JP-FR Symposium on Fermentation Food Research, Plant Phenotyping and Robotics & Machinery (Tokyo, Japan). 12/06/2024


  • Jacques, C., Girodet, S., Leroy F., Pluchon, S., Salon C., Prudent, P. (2023-01-25). Memory or acclimation of water stress in pea rely on root system's plasticity and plant's ionome modulation. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, art. 1089720,,, OA

  • Llaurens, V., Benjamin, M., & Salon, C. (2023). Les défis méthodologiques du phénotypage haut débit. Prospectives CNRS. Ecologie & Environnement 2023,, CNRS. Prospectives CNRS. Ecologie & Environnement 2023, pp.199-207, 2023


  • Jacquiod, S., Spor, A., Wei, S., Munkager, V., Bru, D., Sorensen, S., Salon, C. Philippot, L., Blouin, M. (2022-01-01). Artificial selection of stable rhizosphere microbiota leads to heritable plant phenotype changes. Ecology Letters, 25 (1), 189-201,,, OA
  • Colombo, M., Roumet, P., Salon, C., Jeudy, C., Lamboeuf, M., Lafarge, S., Dumas A.S., Durbreuil P., Ngo W., Derepas B., Beauchene K., Allard V., Le Gouis J., Rincent, R. (2022). Genetic Analysis of Platform-Phenotyped Root System Architecture of Bread and Durum Wheat in Relation to Agronomic Traits. Frontiers in plant science, 13.
  • Moreau D, Busset H, Matejicek A, Prudent M, Colbach N (2022) Water limitation affects weed competitive ability for light. A demonstration using a model-based approach combined with an automated watering platform. Weed Res 62: 381-392. doi:


  • Jacquiod, S., Spor, A., Wei, S., Munkager, V., Bru, D., Soerensen, S. J., Salon, C., Philippot, L. & Blouin, M. (2021). Artificial selection of stable rhizosphere microbiota leads to heritable plant phenotype changes. bioRxiv.
  • Krzyzaniak Y., Cointault F., Loupiac C., Bernaud E., Ott F., Salon C., Laybros A., Han S., Héloir M.-C., Adrian M., Trouvelot S. (2021). In situ phenotyping of grapevine root system architecture by 2D or 3D imaging: advantages and limits of three cultivation methods. Front. Plant Sci. 12:art.638688 (15p.).
  • Maslard C., Arkoun M., Salon C., Prudent M. (2021). Root architecture characterization in relation to biomass allocation and biological nitrogen fixation in a collection of european soybean genotypes. OCL-Ol. Corps Gras Lipides. 28:art. 48 (12p.).



  • Akmouche Y., Cheneby J., Lamboeuf M., Elie N., Laperche A., Bertheloot J., D’Hooghe P., Trouverie J., Avice J.-C., Etienne P., Brunel-Muguet S. (2019). Do nitrogen- and sulphur-remobilization-related parameters measured at the onset of the reproductive stage provide early indicators to adjust N and S fertilization in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) grown under N- and/or S-limiting supplies? Planta. 250:2047-2062. 


  • AL Saddik H., Han S.M., Simon J.C., Brousse O., Zunino E., Salon C., Cointault F. (2017). Solution de détection des maladies de la vigne par imagerie de drone. Diagnostic et réduction des pesticides à la parcelle. Revue des oenologues et des techniques vitivinicoles et œnologiques (162) : 32-34.
  • Salon C., Avice J.-C., Colombie S., Dieuaide-Noubhani M., Gallardo-Guerrero K., Jeudy C., Ourry A., Prudent M., Voisin A.-S., Rolin D. (2017). Fluxomics links cellular functional analyses to whole-plant phenotyping. Darwin Review. Journal of Experimental Botany, 68 (9), 2083-2098.
  • Cointault F., Han, S., Rabatel G., Jay S., Rousseau D., Billiot B., Simon J.-C., Salon C. (2017). 3D imaging systems for agricultural applications. In : Julio C. Rodriguez-Quiñonez, Oleg Sergiyenko, Developing and applying optoelectronics inmachine vision. : IGI Global (Advances in Computational Intelligence and Robotics (ACIR)), 2017. 236-272


  • * Jeudy C., Adrian M., Baussard C., Bernard C., Bernaud E., Bourion V., Busset H., Cabrera Bosquet L., Cointault F., Han S., Lamboeuf M., Moreau D., Pivato B., Prudent M., Trouvelot S., Truong Cellier H.N., Vernoud V., Voisin A.-S., Wipf D., Salon C. (2016). RhizoTubes as a new tool for high throughput imaging of plant root development and architecture: test, comparison with pot grown plants and validation. Plant Methods. 12:art 31


  • * Han S, Cointault, F, Salon C, Simon J.C. (2015). Automatic detection of nodules in legumes by imagery in a phenotyping context. computer analysis of images and patterns. In: Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (p. 134-145). Lecture Notes in ComputerScience, 9257. Presented at 16. International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP 2015), Valletta, MLT (2015-09-02 - 2015-09-04). International Publishing.


  • Bourion V., Martin C., de Larambergue H., Jacquin F., Aubert G., Martin-Magniette M.-L., Balzergue S., Lescure G., Citerne S., Lepetit M., Munier-Jolain N., Salon C., Duc G. (2014). Unexpectedly low nitrogen acquisition and absence of root architecture adaptation to nitrate supply in a Medicago truncatula highly branched root mutant. J Exp Bot. 65:2365-2380.


  • Salon C. (2012). PPHD: a platform for phenotyping. Biofutur (338), 61 - 64.

Date de modification : 16 juillet 2024 | Date de création : 25 juillet 2017 | Rédaction : CJ